Got Pasta?

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Got Pasta?

Sep 26, 2015

13,500 pounds is the grand total collected from PastaBowl2015!  This represents a more than 65% increase over last year’s record drive.  The success was due largely to the addition of Hamilton Southeastern elementary and intermediate schools as well as Noblesville School District accepting the challenge.

Can’t picture 13,500 pounds?  Imagine 108,000 servings!  That’s more than one serving for every resident of Fishers!

The effort not only stocks more than 40 Hamilton County food pantries, but also creates awareness for local students struggling with food insecurities.  In addition to the tremendous response, schools reported heartwarming stories of generosity from students including personal notes to food recipients and encouragement between “competing” classrooms.

The FHS Lacrosse Team dedicated hours of volunteer service just to sort the donations and prepare them for distribution.

Special thanks to School Board President John DeLucia, Fall Creek Township Trustee Jeff Hern, Stacy Puls, PastaBowl sponsor Meijer, Ken Carite and ProShred, and all HSE families who lead and supported this record breaking food drive to help our students and neighbors.

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